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Auckland's rate hike battle heats up

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Staff Reporter

19 February 2024, 4:37 AM

Auckland's rate hike battle heats upMayor Wayne Brown.

The Auckland Ratepayers' Alliance is sounding the alarm about Mayor Wayne Brown's proposal for a hefty 38% rates hike.

Tensions are rising as the Alliance declares war unless the Mayor reconsiders.

The Mayor's controversial move involves presenting an option to councillors, suggesting a staggering 37.94% increase in rates over the next three years.

This proposal, embedded in the Mayoral options within the Council Long-Term Plan, is set to be put to a crucial vote by councillors tomorrow morning (20/2).

The decision will determine whether the proposal moves forward for public consultation.

Auckland Ratepayers' Alliance spokesperson, Jordan Williams, expressed concern, stating, "Clearly Wayne Brown has been strong-armed by Council officials, left-wing councillors, or both. How can a Mayor, who campaigned on fiscal restraint, now propose rate hikes of up to 38% over three years? That's an extra $1,371 in rates for the average Auckland homeowner. This isn't a U-turn, it's an orbit of the moon."

Williams continued to criticise the Mayor's 'core option,' which suggests a 20% increase over three years. According to Williams, even this option is deemed outrageous.

He emphasised, "Wayne Brown was elected to rein in Council waste and redirect spending into higher priorities like infrastructure investment. The Mayor proposes no such thing, rather reaching deeper into ratepayers' pockets at a time when they can least afford it."

Adding a twist to the saga, Williams commented, "Not even in Len Brown's dreams did he propose rate hikes as large as this. Mr Brown is putting before councillors an option to write wasteful officials a blank cheque."

Aucklanders eagerly await the outcome of tomorrow's vote, as the battle between the Mayor and the Ratepayers' Alliance unfolds, leaving many questioning the path to fiscal responsibility and community well-being.