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Business: Are You Wasting Time Due to Disorganisation?

Hibiscus Coast App

Andrew Moffat - Business Contributor

05 March 2025, 8:15 PM

Business: Are You Wasting Time Due to Disorganisation?How much time do you lose during your day due to disorganisation?

How much time do you lose during your day due to disorganisation?

Perhaps you spend five minutes searching for a misplaced file, another five looking for an email that you know you kept "somewhere", and perhaps five more finding some other important piece of paper, lost in the piles of all the other pieces of papers on your desk (or the piles of electronic "stuff" on your computer).

For desk, read workspace, office, tool-shed or whatever - these points apply to all workers whether fully desk-bound, or in a workshop, or out in the field.

Being well organised isn't just an office "thing". It's essential for all workers, no matter their environment.

All those five minutes add up - before you know it, you've spent an hour throughout the day looking for things you can't find.

And that's just one day!

Even if you only lose 5 minutes a day, that’s more than 20 hours in a typical working year.

If you’re losing 15 minutes a day, that adds up to over 60 hours a year—a full week and a half—wasted!

If your staff asked for an extra week and a half off on holiday, would you approve it?

They already get 4 weeks annual leave and a growing number of statutory days as well – so another week or more’s “unauthorised absence” starts to hurt doesn’t it?

Many people struggle with disorganisation, but here are a few simple tips that could help:

Use a Notebook

Somewhere to jot down all those things you think you'll remember during meetings and phone calls, but possibly don't.

The modern staff member probably would say "use the Notes function on your phone".

Either way, just do something!

Think of all the mental energy you'll save by not have to remember everything in your head.

Clear your desk

If there are files or papers on there that you haven't actually looked at for weeks, then the chances are you never will.

But you don't have to throw them away - put them in a file in a drawer marked "Stuff to Read Later", and then see if you ever do.

And see if your career is impacted at all if you don't.

Create an Action Area

On your desk, just the items you need right now, for the current task you're working on.

Keep key items handy

The more often you use something, the closer to hand it should be.

This covers everything whether it be a file, the printer, or your stapler!

Arrange your workspace for usefulness, not for the way it looks.

Use Digital Planners and Systems

Papers need to be organised and tidy, so to do electronic systems.

Make use of the colour coding that comes with many programs, perhaps to separate key work tasks from personal errands for example; or to organise files into urgent, medium-priority and low-priority; or to sort and prioritise your emails.

Make sure your electronic system is as tidy as your desk, or old fashioned filing cabinet - it doesn't matter whether you are searching for a physical piece of paper, or an electronic file you know you "put somewhere where you wouldn't forget it", the principles are the same.

It doesn't matter what system you use - just use a system of some kind. You won't regret it!

These are all pretty simple tips, but the amazing thing is that in this sort of discussion, it's usually the simple things that are the most effective.

Remember, it doesn’t matter if you’re using a paper system or digital tools.

The key principles remain the same:

  • Keep your workspace clean and organised
  • Use the tools available to make your life easier
  • Keep what’s essential within easy reach
  • If you don’t need something, get rid of it!

By implementing these straightforward strategies, you’ll boost your efficiency and reduce time lost to disorganisation.

If you'd like to learn more about how to streamline your business operations and increase efficiency, get in touch with Matchbox Consulting.

Let’s chat over coffee about how we can help your SME thrive.

Contact us today at www.matchboxconsulting.co.nz