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Embracing responsible dog ownership on the Hibiscus Coast

Hibiscus Coast App

Staff Reporter

17 November 2023, 10:04 PM

Embracing responsible dog ownership on the Hibiscus CoastPhoto by James Barker on Unsplash

In Millwater, some residents are expressing heightened concern about the increasing issue that affects everyone: dog waste.

Despite clear regulations and responsible dog owners, evidence of canine indiscretions on footpaths has become a concern.

Under the Dog Management Bylaw 2019, Auckland Council emphasises the importance of immediate waste removal in public spaces. 

Owners are required to carry biodegradable waste bags, readily available at supermarkets and pet stores, and promptly dispose of their furry friends' waste in designated bins.

The bylaw, designed to promote responsible dog ownership, outlines rules for walking locations, waste pickup, and limitations on the number of dogs in urban areas. 

Of course, there's a friendly nudge that non-compliance might lead to a $300 fine, but let's focus on the positive: the vast majority of dog owners are already champions of these guidelines.

While we marvel at the rarity of dogs wandering without their humans, the challenge of sidewalk surprises lingers. 

It sparks curiosity among residents—why, despite most owners playing by the rules, does our beloved Hibiscus Coast still face this issue?

It's a shared puzzle that emphasises our collective responsibility to preserve the beauty of our community.

Let's not forget the importance of a clean and inviting neighbourhood. 

Each resident's commitment to responsible dog ownership contributes to the overall well-being of our beloved community.

So, as you embark on your next stroll with your four-legged companion, grab that waste bag, tidy up promptly, and join your neighbours in safeguarding the allure of the Hibiscus Coast.

Together, with positivity and shared commitment, we'll ensure our streets remain a beautiful haven for everyone to relish.