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Firefighter strike extinguished

Hibiscus Coast App

Lara Fagan

01 September 2022, 3:00 AM

Firefighter strike extinguishedFurther industrial action from local career firefighters have been extinguished following meetings with all the parties involved.

Plans to have more strikes by career firefighters on Friday have been extinguished following meetings, and agreements, with all the parties involved.

According to Wattie Watson, national secretary of the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union, the Minister of Internal Affairs Jan Tinetti met with Fire and Emergency New Zealand (FENZ) and the New Zealand Professional Firefighters Union (NZPFU) to assist in finding a way forward.

The meeting was constructive and all the parties shared a willingness to work towards a solution.

All the parties agreed to enter facilitated mediation with an independent mediator; all strikes will be suspended and no further industrial action will take place, and FENZ will withdraw the request for facilitated bargaining through the Employment Relations Authority.

All the parties also agreed that no further public communication will take place.

This agreement will be in place until 30 September or unless otherwise agreed.

Career firefighters across New Zealand are taking industrial action due to various grievances: the state of their fleet, low wages, understaffing and having a 24/7 crew at Silverdale.