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Local Mayoral candidate is passionate about the future of Auckland

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Lara Fagan

06 September 2022, 2:30 AM

Local Mayoral candidate is passionate about the future of AucklandGary Brown from Red Beach has plans on changing the colours of Auckland if he is elected mayor.

The local mayoral candidate has plans to set Auckland ablaze with beams of colour. 

Gary Brown is the only candidate from the Hibiscus Coast that has his eye on the mayoral seat for Auckland.

Even though his surname is Brown, he said he’s very excited about the colours he sees Auckland be.

“I’m a Brown that bleeds Auckland blue. I’m looking into turning Auckland’s finances from red to black. I may be green when it comes to politics, but I’m black and white when it comes to common sense decision-making.”

He even lives in the colourful suburb of Red Beach! 

The Independent candidate has years of successful business experience, a great deal of logic loves the environment and is fully focused on the future of Auckland. 

He wants to make sure Auckland is everything it needs to be to have world-class status.

His main concern about the way Auckland is run at the moment is the overspending; outcomes not being achieved quickly, or efficiently enough; and no leadership to make the council-controlled organisations collaborate together.

He plans to focus on these if he is elected mayor. Covid hit the economy hard and he plans on rebuilding the economy. 

“My mission is to get out into our communities and learn from our people, rather than assume what needs to be done. Listening and finding out the real issues affecting the quality of life, while looking strategically at the bigger vision for our city.

As mayor, I will be an open and trusted leader that goes to bat for all Aucklanders, regardless of demographics or geographical location.” 

Gary’s first political campaign was three years ago when he was elected to the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board.

Members then voted him in as chairman. “After being chairman and achieving 100 percent of the community facility projects, I felt if I could put the same process and techniques into Auckland Council, it could change the dynamics of making the council-run more efficiently.”

The 60-year-old is very involved with the community and volunteers at various events and fundraising activities. He has also raised tens of thousands of dollars for various charities.

Gary is also very sporty. He started playing rugby when he was five years old and stopped in 1994 when he broke his ankle. But that didn’t keep him off the rugby field. He may have hung up his rugby boots, but he picked up a whistle and started refereeing rugby games. He was 32 at the time and became a premier rugby referee for 10 years attaining 53 games.

He has been an active referee for the past 28 years and is currently the president of the North Harbour Rugby Referee Association.

He has been a member of the Silverdale Rugby Club since 1970 and a centurion for the Silverdale premier team after playing 110 games for them.

He is on the committee at no.5 Squadron Air Cadets committee and a former NZ beach flag champion in 1981 and 1983.

Gary was on the original building committee for the Hibiscus Coast Leisure Centre and is the founder of the NZ Walk of Fame on Orewa Boulevard.


Gary is married to Tracey, and have five children together. His twins have mechanical apprenticeships and his 17-year-old son is following in dad’s footsteps and has been a rugby referee for the last four years. He’s looking into pursuing a career as a professional referee. Gary still has two children at school. 


When Gary is not serving the community, he’s entertaining them!

In fact, he announced his intention to run for mayor in a live Facebook video on April Fools Day - but he wasn’t joking!

He’s been a full-time entertainer since 1992 and has travelled internationally and nationally performing to thousands of people. He’s also had a long-standing stint as an Austin Powers impersonator. Gary’s been performing as himself for small groups, as some larger venues are hesitant with their booking due to Covid. 

Gary can clearly see a rainbow over Auckland. “Auckland is my home. It’s my life. And I’m passionate about its future."