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Manly swimmer braves the harsh elements to raise funds

Hibiscus Coast App

Lara Fagan

13 March 2023, 9:29 PM

Manly swimmer braves the harsh elements to raise fundsJan Steenkamp from Manly attempts to swim across Lake Taupo to raise money for Westpac Helicopter trust.

A local swimmer braved freezing water temperatures and harsh conditions to undergo a massive feat - to swim across Lake Taupo and back again.

Jan Steenkamp (42) from Manly, attempted the 80km double crossing last week to raise funds for the Westpac Helicopter trust. 

He was able to swim an amazing 50km in just over 18 hours before he was pulled from the water.

Jan got into Lake Taupo just after 7am on Monday, 6 March and reached the other side 14 hours later. 

Due to it being a recognised marathon swim, he was only allowed to wear togs, goggles, grease and a cap - no wetsuit. 

He was also only allowed to be on shore on the other side for 10 minutes, before continuing the second leg of the swim. 

While in the water, his amazing support crew fed him powdered biltong sandwiches, bone broth, sugar lollies, milo and coffee which gave him the edge to continue. 

Once he hobbled onto dry land, he got a quick motivational pep talk before getting back into the water to continue the swim.

“I managed to get across in terrible conditions in just over 14 hours which is what I planned,” he said. 

Once he got back into the water, he had to work twice as hard as the conditions had worsened. 

Jan continued swimming for another four hours before being pulled from the water suffering from hypothermia and exhaustion. 

“Those four hours are a blur to me and I don’t remember much of it. I do remember not being able to keep my head above the water.”

When Jan was in the water for the second leg, he didn’t realise that his support jetski (his navigational and feeding vessel), had sucked in some storm debris and broke down, leaving its crew adrift in pitch darkness on the water. Jan continued swimming, following the lights of the main support boat. 

“I didn’t realise it wasn’t the crew on the jetski that was throwing sustenance at me,” said Jan. 

He admitted that he couldn’t keep his head above the surface and felt as if he was going to sink to the bottom of the lake.

“I was so fatigued that I would chew the food with my head under the water and only come up for air,” he said.

Once on board the boat, the medic treated him for hypothermia and when Jan got to shore, he was told that the support jetski was towed to shore.

Even though Jan was unable to complete the gruelling marathon swim, he is ecstatic about the fundraising outcome. 

Donations started coming in before his toes touched the water and continued until he was on dry land. 

At the time of going to press, he raised $10,000 for the Westpac Helicopter. “That is enough for two rescue missions,” he said proudly.

He said the past few months, New Zealand has been hit by severe weather and the helicopter was used in many rescue missions.

“It’s a stark reminder that we don’t know when we’re going to need to be rescued,” he said. 

“Unlike some other emergency services who receive government funding, the Westpac helicopter relies on the goodwill and support of the community to keep on doing what they do best, performing life-saving missions in the most extreme conditions, remote locations or where speed is of the essence,” said Jan.

Asked whether he’ll attempt the double-crossing again, he said, “never say never.”

He said marathon swimming is not an individual sport and is grateful to have an amazing team who helped and supported him: his wife Lerina and his children Willem, Janae and Lelani; Tim Kloeg, Frans Steenkamp, Rudy Seller, Jacques Pietersen, Willem Senekal, Stephan Venter, Frikkie Wolmarans, Alison Boggs and Craig Mayo.

“None of us has ever taken on something of this scale before and this adventure made for some strong bonds and good memories,” he said.

People can still donate to Jan’s Give a Little page

is https://givealittle.co.nz/fundraiser/jans-80km-taupo-swim-for-the-westpac-rescue or directly to the Rescue Helicopter at https://www.rescuehelicopter.org.nz/donate.