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New Zealand Food Prices Surge by 12%

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Staff Reporter

13 March 2023, 1:15 AM

New Zealand Food Prices Surge by 12%Fruit and vegetables are the largest contributor to monthly changes.

New Zealanders are facing higher food prices, with figures released by Stats NZ today showing a 12.0 percent increase in food prices in February 2023 compared to the same time last year.

The rise was mainly due to increases in all broad food categories measured by Stats NZ, with grocery food being the largest contributor.

According to James Mitchell, Consumer Prices Manager at Stats NZ, barn or cage-raised eggs, potato chips, and cheddar cheese were the main drivers behind the increase in grocery food prices.

Meanwhile, fruit and vegetable prices also saw a significant increase, with tomatoes seeing a whopping 117 percent increase and potatoes seeing a 48 percent increase.

The impact of recent weather events was also felt, with data collection for prices of a small amount of fresh fruit and vegetables not completed for some weeks in the Auckland and Napier/Hastings regions.

As a result, Stats NZ has imputed these prices using similar prices from within the same region, which is their standard treatment when prices are not available.

Despite the challenges posed by weather events, monthly food prices still rose 1.5 percent in February 2023 compared to January 2023, and after adjusting for seasonal effects, they were up 2.1 percent.

Broccoli, tomatoes, and lettuce were the items that saw the greatest impact on monthly food prices.

With rising food prices, Kiwis may need to consider making changes to their grocery shopping habits or adjusting their budgets accordingly.