Lara Fagan
26 September 2023, 7:48 PM
NZ Transport Agency has increased, and decreased, some of the costs of their common fees.
The transport agency does not currently have a sustainable funding model to adequately regulate the land transport system, because “we don’t bring in enough revenue to cover our costs.”
They say many people are paying too much, while others are not paying enough, so they aim to change the fees to make it fair to everyone.
After public consultation on changes to funding, fees and charges in 2022, recommended changes were approved by the government in April 2023.
Changes to regulations have now been approved and will come into effect from 1 October 2023.
These changes will make sure NZTA is properly resourced to regulate the land transport system.
One of the fee changes for common things is driver's licences.
Even though the fees have increased if you pass the first time, the test taker will save money if they fail, and need to resit the test.
A learner driver will pay $2.20 more (the new fee is $96.10), but if they want to resit the test, they will save $43.50.
A restricted driver test taker will pay $167.50 but will save $53.90 if they need to resit.
Those going for their full licence will pay only $98.90, a saving of $10.60.
If you have to resit the test, you will save $70.50.
To renew a driver's licence (for under 65’s), would have cost $43.90, but with the new fees, you will only pay $32.40.