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Over 300 Reports to Red Tape Tipline

Hibiscus Coast App

Staff Reporter

30 November 2024, 10:29 PM

Over 300 Reports to Red Tape TiplineDavid Seymour encourages further red tape reports.

In its first week, New Zealand's new Red Tape tipline has already received over 300 submissions, as frustrated locals raise concerns about unnecessary regulations.

Regulation Minister David Seymour welcomed the response, saying it highlights a widespread dissatisfaction with bureaucratic barriers across various sectors.

“Red tape wastes time, money, and energy. It’s clear that people are fed up with the delays and complications caused by excessive regulation,” said Seymour.

The majority of reports so far have come from the building and construction sector, with many workers citing difficulties with slow or convoluted consenting processes.

Minister of Regulation, David Seymour

Traffic management has also been a significant source of complaints, with reports describing the widespread use of road cones as contributing to frustrating detours and delays.

The Ministry for Regulation’s review team is currently triaging the reports, prioritising them for further investigation.

Seymour explained that the feedback will not only help identify regulations that need to be removed, but will also inform future reviews of existing legislation.

“Some issues are more complex than others, and addressing them will take time,” he added.

“But the goal is to restore New Zealand’s ‘can do’ attitude and make it easier for people to work, save, and invest.”

The tipline will continue to accept submissions, as Seymour urges more locals to report their red tape issues.

He emphasised that the goal is to create a more streamlined regulatory environment that supports productivity and reduces unnecessary obstacles.

For those who wish to report their own red tape challenges, the tipline is open for further submissions.