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Safe Parking Saves Lives

Hibiscus Coast App

Staff Reporter

28 July 2024, 7:35 PM

Safe Parking Saves LivesProtecting Children Near Schools

Parents and caregivers are being reminded by police to prioritise safety when dropping off or picking up children from school.

The safety of children is at risk when drivers park or drive recklessly around schools.

Planning ahead and allowing plenty of time for school drop-offs can help avoid congestion and reduce the risk of accidents.

Police urge drivers to choose safe and legal parking options, as illegal parking can put children's lives in danger.

There are often yellow lines near our Hibiscus Coast schools, indicating no-parking zones that must be respected to ensure children's safety.

Illegal parking can have devastating consequences and may result in fines.

Meeting points further down the road can be a safer option to avoid congestion around schools.

By working together, parents and caregivers can help create a safer environment for children.