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Upcoming Changes to Smokefree Laws

Hibiscus Coast App

Staff Reporter

05 November 2024, 6:12 PM

Upcoming Changes to Smokefree LawsGovernment targets youth vaping with new regulations. Photo by Vinh Chế

The Government is introducing several amendments to the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990, aiming to reduce youth access to vaping products.

Under the new Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Amendment Bill (No 2), these changes, expected to take effect from November 2024, will primarily impact specialist vape retailers and address the sale, display, and disposal of vaping products.

The first of the upcoming changes will require all new specialist vape stores to be at least 100 metres away from licensed Early Childhood Education centres (ECEs).

This rule does not apply to existing vape stores or general retailers.

New applications for specialist vape stores within the restricted zones will not be approved.

Existing regulations, which require vape stores to be at least 300 metres from schools and marae, remain unchanged.

The amendment will also introduce higher penalties for violations.

Fines for selling vapes to minors will rise sharply, increasing from $10,000 to $100,000 for businesses and from $5,000 to $10,000 for individuals.

Retailers found selling to minors may also face increased infringement fines, with penalties rising to $2,000 for a retailer and $1,000 for other parties involved.

Another major change involves stricter controls on the visibility of vaping products.

General retailers will no longer be allowed to display vaping products, and specialist vape stores must ensure their products cannot be seen from outside.

The Ministry of Health plans to release further guidance to assist retailers in complying with these regulations.

Additionally, the Bill will implement a ban on disposable vapes, aiming to reduce waste and prevent easy access for minors.

The ban will take effect six months after the Bill becomes law, allowing retailers and manufacturers time to adjust their operations.