Hibiscus Coast App

Leaving a legacy at Orewa Surf Club

Hibiscus Coast App

Lara Fagan

30 August 2022, 7:00 PM

Leaving a legacy at Orewa Surf ClubThe Orewa Surf Life Saving Club fundraising for their new community hub.

The Orewa Surf Life Saving Club has been saving lives for 70 years - now they need the public to come to their aid.

The club’s existing clubhouse will soon be demolished to make way for a new and vibrant hub that will be the heart and soul of the community.

Even though they have received funding from the Hibiscus Coast and Bays Local Board grants, they are only finding out later this year to see how much the government will fund.

One thing is certain, it will be a drop in the ocean on the estimated $8.8 million it will cost to rebuild.

While they wait, they have started a fundraising campaign - after all, Rome wasn’t built in a day!

They are hosting a Buy-a-Brick campaign where people can buy a brick and have their name, or business name, permanently on the building. 

What better way to be able to leave a legacy?

There are various ways to help with the fundraising project with numerous benefits.

The minimum pledge for you to leave a mark is digi-brick (under $5000 pledge).

This enables you to have your name or logo on a digital loop on the screen at the club.

The highest pledge is platinum (over $100,000 pledge) where you can enjoy all the benefits.

Besides your name or logo looping on a screen inside the club, the other benefits include displaying your signage at key events; sponsorship logo for use on company collateral; guided tour of the new facility; social club membership; logo in the annual report; invitation to opening ceremony; a promotion to members in the monthly e-newsletter; full colour linked adverts on the club’s Facebook page; invitations to prize giving and sponsored events; exclusive team building package and permanent name on the acknowledgment wall.

Only platinum pledges will get all these benefits.

The other pledges are buy a brick ($5000 pledge), bronze (over $5000 pledge), silver (over $20,000 pledge) and gold (over $50,000 pledge).

The public is asked to go to www.Buyabrick.nz to see what benefit they will receive for each pledge group. 

In a previous interview, John Chapman, the president of the Orewa Surf Life Saving Club said all donations and pledges are welcome. “We won’t turn away any donation.”