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Buy New Zealand-Made Day

Hibiscus Coast App

Staff Reporter

20 November 2023, 3:01 AM

Buy New Zealand-Made Day

Tomorrow, November 21st marks New Zealand-Made Day, a day dedicated to championing Kiwi businesses and their products.

Amid the festivities, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) on Hibiscus Coast find themselves grappling with challenges that extend beyond the usual.

Data paints a concerning picture for these local businesses as Christmas approaches:

  • Company liquidations have surged by 40%, with online retailers experiencing the highest business failure rate.
  • Only 57% of retailers express confidence in their businesses' survival over the next year.
  • Small business sales have experienced a dip for the first time in two years.
  • Nearly 70% of New Zealand businesses anticipate tougher times in the coming 12 months.

A recent survey by Buy NZ Made reveals the struggles faced by local SMEs: 64% grapple with rising costs, and 30% face challenges related to cash flow and inflation.

Less than half harbour optimism about the upcoming Christmas period, while a quarter focus solely on staying afloat in 2024.

Dane Ambler, the executive director of Buy NZ Made, emphasizes the unique challenges confronting small businesses, surpassing even those experienced during the disruptions of the COVID era.

Ambler underscores the critical role the Christmas trading period plays for many local enterprises, with NZ Made Day serving as a timely opportunity to rally support.

As businesses navigate these trying times, the Hibiscus Coast is encouraged to embrace NZ Made Day by supporting local ventures.

Whether it's purchasing Kiwi-made products, sharing favourites on social media, leaving positive reviews, or simply spreading the word about the greatness of NZ Made, every effort counts in fortifying the backbone of the local economy.

Let's come together to celebrate NZ Made Day, and show unwavering support for our resilient Hibiscus Coast businesses.