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Freedom Camping at Country Club Draws Sour Reactions

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27 August 2024, 9:16 PM

Freedom Camping at Country Club Draws Sour ReactionsRemains of the once famous Gulf Harbour Country Club.

A man who has been freedom camping at the shut-down Gulf Harbour Country Club has caused concern and unease among residents.

For much of the past year, with implicit approval from the site’s owner, Tim Stewart has been living on the site over the past year.

Last week, Auckland Council compliance manager Adrian Wilson had been in touch with the owner, inquiring whether police would be allowed to issue a trespass notice to occupiers.

That offer was declined.

After the golf course closed, the abandoned clubhouse quickly attracted vandals and thieves.

“At the start it was teenagers, but over time they became bolder – and older,” Stewart said.

He assisted police with information about what he had seen.

Stewart said as more thuggish behaviour started occurring, he worried about his safety and that of his 11-year-old daughter, who sometimes stayed over.

At a recent public meeting called by advocacy group Keep Whangaparāoa’s Green Spaces (KWGS) Stewart spoke to some people about those concerns, but came away unsatisfied.

At the public meeting, KWGS’ legal adviser Chris Geyde said in relation to the freedom campers that residents “need to keep the pressure on police for the logical conclusion that there should be a prosecution.”

“The freedom campers on the privately owned golf course land are the business of the golf course owner, council and police.

KWGS remains focused on reinstating the golf course and protecting the green space,” Baldwin says.

“We advise residents to stay away from the freedom camping site and report any issues to police.”