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More police to patrol Auckland streets

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Staff Reporter

23 June 2024, 6:27 PM

More police to patrol Auckland streetsNew teams to improve city safety

Auckland residents can expect to see more police officers patrolling the streets as part of a new initiative aimed at reducing crime and enhancing community safety.

Police Commissioner Andrew Coster announced the creation of Community Beat Teams in major cities across New Zealand, starting with Auckland.

The launch of Operation Safer Streets will specifically target anti-social behaviour and crime in Auckland’s Central Business District (CBD).

These new teams, staffed by additional officers confirmed in Budget '24, will increase police visibility in main streets, shopping malls, and transport hubs.

“This is the start of a staged two-year roll out, which will see 63 additional staff deployed in new Community Beat Teams across Auckland’s three policing districts, 17 in Wellington and 10 in Christchurch,” said Coster.

The initiative will begin with 21 additional officers in the Auckland CBD, enhancing the current team to more than 50 officers.

This increased presence aims to provide support in busy areas such as Karangahape Road, downtown, and the Viaduct.

The goal is to implement a 24/7 beat model with five teams, each led by a Sergeant, to ensure round-the-clock visibility.

“Increased visibility deters crime and encourages a sense of safety through positive engagement with the public and business owners,” Coster explained.

The Community Beat Teams will work alongside existing response, prevention, and investigation staff, focusing on areas with high demand due to changing crime trends, such as increased anti-social behaviour and public place crime.

Operation Safer Streets, an intensive deployment operation, will target anti-social behaviour and crime in the CBD until the new Community Beat Team is fully established.

This operation follows concerning recent incidents in the central city, despite an overall positive trend in crime reduction.

The police will continue collaborating with groups like the K Road Business Association, Heart of the City, Auckland Council, and other community organisations.

“Most of the issues we’re facing in Auckland CBD are complex and can’t be solved by Police alone,” Coster emphasised. “It’s vital we continue to work with partner agencies and other groups invested in Auckland’s success.”

Further decisions about the allocation of additional officers will be made in due course.